See Local E-Filing Rules, by clicking here - Electronic-Filing Rules
Please visit This website will help with registration and future log in.
Judith H. Trent - Hancock County Clerk & Master
Appointed to office: 2006
Hancock County Courthouse
1237 Main Street, Suite 104
P.O. Box 347
Sneedville, TN 37869
(Phone) 423-733-4524 (fax) 423-733-2762
Chelsea Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; Closed Saturday & Sunday
Honorable Douglas T. Jenkins
Chancellor of the 3rd Judicial District of Tennessee
Hawkins, Greene, Hamblen & Hancock Counties
Carolyn Parsons
Judicial Assistant to Chancellor Douglas T. Jenkins
107 East Main Street
Suite 301
Rogersville, TN 37857
Phone - 423-272-4311
*Hancock County Court Docket Dates*
****All cases over 8 hours, multi-day cases, special settings or JURY trials must be scheduled through the
Chancellor's office.****
*Pro Se Litigant Filing Guide for the Appellate Courts of TN
*Request to Continue(complete by hand)
*Request to Continue(complete online)
*Petition & Order for Name Change of Minor
*Petition & Order for Name Change
Links for Additional Support
Delinquent Tax Information
The Chancery Court Clerk & Master's Office is responsible for collecting delinquent taxes for Hancock County. The Clerk and Master is required to collect the delinquent taxes, plus statutory interest and penalty, court costs and attorney fees. Taxes that are less than 2 years old that are not posted on this website may be found in the Hancock County Trustee's office. Call the office for any information concerning past due taxes.
Current taxes: Delinquent taxes: