**The day for Driver's License, ID, and Gun Permit services has changed from Wednesday to Friday. If you use the kiosk, you can renew Monday-Friday. **

Jessie Royston - Hancock County Clerk


Jessie Royston
418 Harrison Street
PO Box 575
Sneedville, TN 37869

Phone: 423-733-2519

Fax: 423-733-4509



and select Renewals, then Hancock County


Hours of Operation:  Monday -Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; closed Saturday & Sunday

Welcome to the Hancock County Clerk's web page. Here you will find helpful information about the services our office has to offer the customers. Please feel free to contact me or one of the deputy clerks at the contact information above.

The Hancock County Clerk is a constitutional officer elected to a four-year term. One of the Clerk’s primary functions is to keep the official minutes and records of the activities of the Hancock County Commission and its Standing Committees. The County Clerk also maintains records of marriage licenses and automobile titles issued in the County. The County Clerk also has the responsibility to receive fees, set by state law, for various transactions, such as motor vehicle registration and automobile titles, drivers’ license renewals, gun carry permit renewals, notary commissions, marriage licenses, boat registration, hunting and fishing license, and business license. We assist the State Department of Revenue in collecting automobile sales tax and privilege taxes. All revenues in excess of operating expenses are transferred to the County general fund for the maintenance and improvement of public services. 

Katherine Dalton, Deputy Clerk

Chelsey Sutton, Clerk

*****************   Now renew your vehicle  license tags online!!!! Visit https://secure.tncountyclerk.com/index.php for more information!!!    **************

The Hancock County Clerk's office offers Driver's License, ID Renewal and Gun Carry Permit Renewal Express Services to the public in Hancock County every Friday 8:30 am to 3:45 pm. Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00 pm. Phone is (423) 733-2519

There will be a $4.00 processing fee in addition to the state's charges to use an express office.

Full service state driver's license stations in our area are as follows:

1551 East Morris Blvd. Suite 2, Morristown, TN 37814, Phone: (423) 587-7044

1210 Hal Henard Road, Greeneville, TN 37743, Phone (423) 638-3285

Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Financial Responsibility and Reinstatement in Nashville, TN,                    

Phone (866) 903-7357

A complete list of all state driver's license stations can be found at:


The Department of Safety has placed some restrictions on the services the Clerk's offices can provide; however, these are the services the State of Tennessee will allow the Clerk's Officer offer to the public:

  1. Renewal of Tennessee driver's license, Class D and M - No Commercial
  2. Making duplicate Tennessee driver licenses, Class D and M
  3. Registering people to vote as allowed under the motor voter law as well as registering organ/tissue donors for the Tennessee Donate Life Registry--for more information, please visit the Tennessee Organ and Tissue Donor website by clicking here.
  4. Gun carry permit renewals - Tennessee only
  5. Renewal of Real ID's (click here for more information)


The Clerk's office is NOT able to give written or physical driver's tests, driver's license to new state residents, or issue commercial or specialty licenses.

If you choose to renew your driver's license online, go to www.tennessee.gov for details.

Quick Link to Forms of Importance

Adobe Acrobat required for the following forms. (Adobe Acrobat required and downloadable here )

Hancock County Clerk's office now has a Kiosk for renewing Driver's license, handgun permits and paying reinstatement fees . The Kiosk is self service, all credit card and electronics payments (no service charge) can be used- no cash or checks. It will be available every day Monday-- Friday 8-4

 Hunting and Fishing Licenses are available for purchase in the Hancock County Clerk's Office. Please click on the logo above for information or call the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency at 1-800-332-0900.